mediXeed – Your medical CPD/CME partner of choice in South Africa

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mediBytes aims to empower physicians and healthcare professionals with the knowledge and insights needed to excel in their daily practice. In a rapidly evolving medical landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest research, best practices, and innovations is essential.

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Listen to the podcast: Spotlight on SA Heart Journal’s latest research

In this podcast, Cardiologist Dr Tony Dalby explores key topics from the SA Heart® Journal, including ethnic differences in echocardiographic norms, the challenges of diagnosing and managing Fallot’s Tetralogy in resource-limited settings, HIV-associated cardiac dysfunction pre-antiretroviral therapy, and the potential link between radiation exposure and cancer risks in interventional cardiology.

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Listen to the podcast: Game-Changers: Injury Surveillance Insights – 2022 SARU Girls’ Youth Rugby Report

In this episode Professor Mike Lambert and guests delves deep into injury surveilance into girls rugby, identifying the various mechanisms causing concussions and other injuries during the SARU Girls’ Youth Week tournaments from 2015-2022.

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My cardiovascular health: How important is this to my clinical practice?

In this podcast Professor Mike Lambert from the Health through Physical Activity, Lifestyle, and Sport Research Centre at the University of Cape Town sheds light on the multifaceted challenges faced by medical students, balancing academic demands with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.