mediXeed – Your medical CPD/CME partner of choice in South Africa

Accredited CPD modules

mediBytes aims to empower physicians and healthcare professionals with the knowledge and insights needed to excel in their daily practice. In a rapidly evolving medical landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest research, best practices, and innovations is essential.

Earn 1 CPD Point

More than just steps: Dosing exercise in primary practice

Dr Janesh Ganda, draws on his medical and sports medicine expertise to discuss with host, Dr Zane Steven exercise as a vital sign when taking a clinical history and developing exercise prescription as an essential skill in your daily practice.

Earn 1 CPD Point

The T2DM patient with kidney disease

One in three T2DM patients will develop kidney disease over their lifetime. Clinicians need to be alert to the possible early presence of kidney disease in their patients and ensure that insulin therapy is selected with the lowest possible hypoglycaemic risk.

Earn 1 CPD Point

The older Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic patients: how clinicians can be ‘older and wiser’ also

The needs of older diabetic patients change over time. In this discussion, Dr Zane Stevens provides practical advice for the busy clinician who is concerned about his elderly Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients.

Earn 1 CPD Point

Why are doctors not moving to second-generation basal insulins?

In this practical 30-minute clinical discussion, host Dr Brad Merwitz and well-known teacher and clinician, Dr Isaac Mashitisho, explore how barriers to the use of improved basal insulins can be overcome.

Earn 1 CPD Point

How can I get my patient to lose just 3kg

This discussion between Dr Jocelyn Hellig, who has a special interest in obesity and specialist Dr Zane Stevens, moves beyond simplistic approaches of “eat less, move more”. It will provide key action points for primary care practitioners whose adult patients should lose weight or want to lose weight.