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NOFSA 2024 Masterclass: Ethical decision-making when assessing for osteoporosis in the older patient
In this fifth National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa (NOFSA) 2024 masterclass, Dr Lipschitz considers an ethical decision-making framework for the assessment and management of osteoporosis in older patients.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass: Secondary causes of osteoporosis in adulthood
Clinical tips for identifying secondary causes of osteoporosis, how to accommodate these according to fracture risk assessment modality, and the principles of bone-specific pharmacotherapy and integrated osteoporosis care.

Listen to the podcast: Spotlight on SA Heart Journal’s latest research
In this podcast, Cardiologist Dr Tony Dalby explores key topics from the SA Heart® Journal, including ethnic differences in echocardiographic norms, the challenges of diagnosing and managing Fallot’s Tetralogy in resource-limited settings, HIV-associated cardiac dysfunction pre-antiretroviral therapy, and the potential link between radiation exposure and cancer risks in interventional cardiology.

ETHICS – Navigating complex patient relationships – Strategies for difficult encounters in clinical practice
Difficult patient encounters are common, occurring in about 15% of adult consultations. These typically involve complex, chronic medical issues, often worsened by social factors like poverty, abusive relationships, or addiction.

Listen to the podcast: Game-Changers: Injury Surveillance Insights – 2022 SARU Girls’ Youth Rugby Report
In this episode Professor Mike Lambert and guests delves deep into injury surveilance into girls rugby, identifying the various mechanisms causing concussions and other injuries during the SARU Girls’ Youth Week tournaments from 2015-2022.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass: Diagnosing osteoporosis – whom to treat
Clinical research and practice often focus heavily on cardiology, which may lead to the underdiagnosis of conditions like osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, a common metabolic bone disease, is underdiagnosed and affects one in three women and one in five men over 50. The 2024 Osteoporosis Masterclass by NOFSA explores various diagnostic methods and emphasises the importance of recognising and treating osteoporosis across all population groups in South Africa.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass Series: Assessing Fracture Risk in Osteoporosis – Best Clinical Practice
Bone mass accumulates during growth and peaks at approximately 30 years of age, thereafter remaining relatively stable. In postmenopausal women, however, an accelerated annual bone mineral density (BMD) loss of 2-4% is observed, and a cumulative 25-30% reduction in BMD over 10 years significantly increases the risk for major osteoporotic fracture (MOF).

More than just steps: Dosing exercise in primary practice
Dr Janesh Ganda, draws on his medical and sports medicine expertise to discuss with host, Dr Zane Steven exercise as a vital sign when taking a clinical history and developing exercise prescription as an essential skill in your daily practice.

My cardiovascular health: How important is this to my clinical practice?
In this podcast Professor Mike Lambert from the Health through Physical Activity, Lifestyle, and Sport Research Centre at the University of Cape Town sheds light on the multifaceted challenges faced by medical students, balancing academic demands with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Listen to the podcast: Spotlight on SA Heart Journal’s latest research
In this podcast, Cardiologist Dr Tony Dalby explores key topics from the SA Heart® Journal, including ethnic differences in echocardiographic norms, the challenges of diagnosing and managing Fallot’s Tetralogy in resource-limited settings, HIV-associated cardiac dysfunction pre-antiretroviral therapy, and the potential link between radiation exposure and cancer risks in interventional cardiology.

My cardiovascular health: How important is this to my clinical practice?
In this podcast Professor Mike Lambert from the Health through Physical Activity, Lifestyle, and Sport Research Centre at the University of Cape Town sheds light on the multifaceted challenges faced by medical students, balancing academic demands with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

More than just steps: Dosing exercise in primary practice
Dr Janesh Ganda, draws on his medical and sports medicine expertise to discuss with host, Dr Zane Steven exercise as a vital sign when taking a clinical history and developing exercise prescription as an essential skill in your daily practice.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass: Ethical decision-making when assessing for osteoporosis in the older patient
In this fifth National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa (NOFSA) 2024 masterclass, Dr Lipschitz considers an ethical decision-making framework for the assessment and management of osteoporosis in older patients.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass: Secondary causes of osteoporosis in adulthood
Clinical tips for identifying secondary causes of osteoporosis, how to accommodate these according to fracture risk assessment modality, and the principles of bone-specific pharmacotherapy and integrated osteoporosis care.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass: Diagnosing osteoporosis – whom to treat
Clinical research and practice often focus heavily on cardiology, which may lead to the underdiagnosis of conditions like osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, a common metabolic bone disease, is underdiagnosed and affects one in three women and one in five men over 50. The 2024 Osteoporosis Masterclass by NOFSA explores various diagnostic methods and emphasises the importance of recognising and treating osteoporosis across all population groups in South Africa.

NOFSA 2024 Masterclass Series: Assessing Fracture Risk in Osteoporosis – Best Clinical Practice
Bone mass accumulates during growth and peaks at approximately 30 years of age, thereafter remaining relatively stable. In postmenopausal women, however, an accelerated annual bone mineral density (BMD) loss of 2-4% is observed, and a cumulative 25-30% reduction in BMD over 10 years significantly increases the risk for major osteoporotic fracture (MOF).

Listen to the podcast: Game-Changers: Injury Surveillance Insights – 2022 SARU Girls’ Youth Rugby Report
In this episode Professor Mike Lambert and guests delves deep into injury surveilance into girls rugby, identifying the various mechanisms causing concussions and other injuries during the SARU Girls’ Youth Week tournaments from 2015-2022.

More than just steps: Dosing exercise in primary practice
Dr Janesh Ganda, draws on his medical and sports medicine expertise to discuss with host, Dr Zane Steven exercise as a vital sign when taking a clinical history and developing exercise prescription as an essential skill in your daily practice.